

Welcome to HackJam



What is HackJam?

HackJam is a community of hackers, artists, techies and the generally curious who share ideas and collaborate to "hack" things.  We also like to "jam" - contributing each of our own skills to jointly improvise a creative solution.  As reflected by our Chinese name (客匠), we also aspire to be artisans, moving beyond the realm of the theoretical, physically implementing our thoughts.  Read more about our vision here...


Workshops / Projects:

 We believe that the HackJam community will be defined both by the people that we attract, as well as by the workshops and projects that we are able to put together.  At present, we meet every Tuesday night between 8-10pm at Boot.HK.


Recently Completed Workshops / Projects:


Currently Underway Workshops / Projects:


Suggestions for future Projects and Workshops:


Links and Resources:

Recent activities by our members:HackJam Logo


Useful links: