What do you want to do at the hackerspace? E.g. make stuff? socialize? share ideas? Why do you need a hackerspace? What problems does it solve for you?
你想在Hackerspace做什么?如制作物品、社交、交流想法等。 你为什么需要Hackerspace? 它能为你解决什么问题?
- Julian: I'd mainly like to socialize and experiment; mainly meet interesting people and try my hand at all sorts of new and geeky things. Key is just to satisfy my curiosity. Also, I want to have a place to meet people with similar interests, people with whom I can share my thoughts and ideas (that my other friends may not understand). I hope that the hackerspace will provide a nexus for those who are interested to pool their talents and tools, and to share ideas of fun things to do!
Julian: 我主要想社交,实验,结交有趣的人,尝试一下各种新奇古怪的东西。关键是满足一下我的好奇心。 我希望,Hackerspace能够将那些有兴趣将他们的才能和工具拼合一起并分享做有趣事情想法的人们联系起来!
- William: Gathering of like-minded people, space for projects/events, and tools.
William: 集合志趣相投的人群,为项目/活动提供空间,还有工具。
- Michelle: Learn cool new things and share ideas. I would also love to explore the idea of setting up a Tinkering School type program for kids during school holidays. This is an educational concept from the US where kids are given some tools and allowed them to build things in an exploratory curriculum. Sample projects include: Taking apart a phone and exploring how it works, or building the ultimate kids' bed with automatic breakfast service + clothes fetching function etc. More info here http://www.tinkeringschool.com/blog/2005/about/ This type of program would be fun and would help nurture young talent. Michelle: 學習新東西。(sorry too long to translate!)
- Jon B: Mainly, a better equipped shop with some space I can store projects while they are in process. Also, giving a space to meet up with people to work on these kinds of projects.
- Andrew: I want to use the hackerspace to meet new people, particularly the local geek crowd; there is a lot of information that is difficult for me to access as an expat, but that the local crowd would be able to point me to in an instant. Also, to play around with ideas and to see where they lead, to test ideas before I am sure that they can be commercialized.
- Chun Yin: For me, space is very important - I need the space to try things that I cannot do at home.
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